Online Safety

Keep your online platforms safe and welcoming with Privately's Online Safety tools. Our tech detects harmful content like hate speech and nudity without ever touching user data - everything stays private on their device. We even understand emotions in messages to keep things positive. Make everyone feel safe and happy online, the smart way.


Protect young users and empower responsible creators with Privately's OWAS Image SDKs. Our AI-powered tools instantly scan images for nudity, safeguarding platforms and ensuring trust online. All processing happens on-device, never sharing personal data.

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Shield users, build respect – it's simple with Privately's OWAS (Online Wellbeing and Safety) NLP SDKs. On-device AI detects hate speech, toxicity, and cyberbullying, all privately. Empower your apps to moderate content, foster inclusivity, and create a safer online world. Dive in and build the future of positive interactions, one code line at a time.

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Privately's OWAS solutions empower platforms to prioritise Online Wellbeing And Safety by proactively detecting and mitigating content that exploits, abuses, or endangers children (known as CSAM - Child sexual abuse material) along with other harmful material.

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